SarayRoyse Sexy Chatroom

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SarayRoyse also found on Chaturbate
Hair Color:
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Chat Status:
Primary Language:
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Sexual Preference:
100 - 120 lbs [45 - 55 kg]
5'4" - 5'6" [160cm - 170cm]
Turns On:
I love kisses, caresses and that you slide your tongue through every corner of my delicious wet body
Turns Off:
rude people
Turns on: Manny
Sexual preference: bisexual
Turns on: Watching both male and female masturbation, manipulation of my nipples, kuni
Turns on: Token Sound, Kindness and Generosity)
Turns on: Ready to explore the world of fucking, using all my idea and knowledge to make you cum hard and wanting me all the time, try me and my expertise baby. And your sound tokens.
Turns on: Tokens
Turns on: sense of humor
Turns on: Your kindness, openness and generosity
Turns on: Active chat, vibration, politeness and positivity
Turns on: Sex
Turns on: a lot of cream and cum and when you take your time with a large and long vibration to bring you to a squirt, and after the squirt you can try to stick it in the ass a little bit, but how it goes depends on you, in general, go for it, we are ready for anything, the main thing is to have a good time ;))
Turns on: Compliments, generosity, openness
Turns on: Generosity and kindness in men
Turns on: I like to imagine being watched while doing sexy things. This is one of the reasons I am here to fulfill my fantasy as well as yours :)
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