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Hello, welcome to my room, I introduce myself, I am Sheyla, a girl who lives her life with passion and determination, people recognize me as someone outgoing, I enjoy listening to others and giving advice when they need it, I am clear about what I want to achieve and I focus completely in achieving them. I really enjoy the company of the people present in my life, sharing fun moments and unforgettable memories but don't be fooled by my affectionate, kind and affectionate appearance, I also have a perverse side, so here you have me, a girl with many facets and passions willing to face challenges, get out of your comfort zone and enjoy what life offers you, let's make this journey unforgettable! Life is too short to limit yourself, don't you think?
Turns On:
In my life I like to learn new things, it can be how to play an instrument, how the solar system works or culture in general, it may be a slow process but when I decide to do something I give it my all. I love animals, specifically cats and rabbits, they are so cute 💘, I am very dedicated and detail-oriented when I love someone, quality time is my love language.
Turns Off:
I don't like waiting, I have little patience, I would like to improve that about myself, I get a little frustrated when things don't go the way I wanted but I choose to smile and continue with my life.
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