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Hello, I am an introverted girl who little by little when I feel confident I let my fun and naughty side come out, I know how to bring out my hot side as long as they provoke me and make me unable to hide it anymore, I enjoy good conversations where you always learn something new, I like to satisfy desires and fulfill fantasies as long as I feel comfortable, I am a smiling girl in my transmissions you will notice it and you will be infected with my energy, I love meeting new people since this way I get to know new cultures and make friends with different thoughts that Maybe they can have something to contribute to me, I invite you to get to know me more and that we can have a good friendship or who knows what could happen lol.
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I love confident men, ice cream when the weather is cold, I love beaches and sunsets, I prefer the cold than the weather when there are very high temperatures, I love music and the energy it gives me when listening to it, I also love it dancing, food and places where I can eat delicious things and also see beautiful landscapes.
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I dislike it when they don't take me seriously when they play with my time and I'm not valued, I don't like pressure and even less when I've already said no, I don't like it when they don't respect my opinion and don't accept no for an answer, I don't like it when They are rude or disrespectful to people who cannot or do not know how to defend themselves.
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