Chat Room Free Steffania

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Hair Color:
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Chat Status:
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Sexual Preference:
100 - 120 lbs [45 - 55 kg]
5' - 5'3" [150cm - 160cm]
Turns On:
Care, compliments, games, fantasies-vibrations and of course a standing dick))
Turns Off:
empty promises
Turns on: Ask this in person🍓
Turns on: Compliments on something which is non-physical.
Turns on: Manny
Turns on: We like sociable, cheerful, generous members
Turns on: Everything is beautiful
Turns on: blow job
Turns on: touching, kissing on the neck, tongue
Turns on: Token Sound, Kindness and Generosity)
Turns on: The presence of each other!
Turns on: Constant vibrations in my wet pussy)
Turns on: Tokens offline )When you look at me. Your cool compliments. When you have a boner on my hairy pussy. Your masturbation on my body.The feeling that I am desirable for men... Generous, purposeful, successful, self-respecting, and also appreciating my and your time. And smells: not only perfume, but also body... Strong hands sliding over the body, or just holding the steering wheel of a car or a glass of wine, with veins bulging on them. Back, shoulders, stubble and a little gray hair. Sharpness, unpredictability and a bit of rudeness. I like it when they tear my underwear and tights, close my mouth with their hand, fingers and penis. In sex, it excites me to be submissive, diligent and obedient... Or not very obedient, but then necessarily punished... What excites me is that I have everything in my broadcasts.
Sexual preference: bisexual
Turns on: When my pussy and tits are licked!
Turns on: smells, massage, touches, slaps on the ass.
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