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Hair Color:
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Primary Language:
Couple Female + Female
Sexual Preference:
120 - 140 lbs [55 - 60 kg]
5' - 5'3" [150cm - 160cm]
Turns on: I like everything ❤️ Be polite and kind to me and I will reveal all my secrets.
Turns on: Manny
Turns on: Dirty talk, sexy lingerie, prolonged play and teasing
Sexual preference: bisexual
Turns on: Strong domineering male hands, your brain and your generosity. Your dirty thoughts about me.
Sexual preference: bisexual
Sexual preference: straight
Turns on: Your kindness, openness and generosity
Turns on: The athletic body of a man and an elastic shaved member.
Turns on: Almost all)
Turns on: For me, the most important and most exciting quality in a man is intelligence. Among the external factors - well-groomed, pleasant smell and a look that cannot be expressed in words, with a dose of madness and mystery.
Turns on: Communication
Turns on: long kisses, preliminary caresses🔥 beautiful male hands. big eyes and sweet plump lips🔥 humor🔥 generosity and openness🔥 any manifestation of love from a man🔥 masculinity and the very feeling of being a girl defenseless and loved next to the one🔥
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